Genetics in Action: Genetic Traits shown in Photographs

The Ancestor Archive - Portrait Museum

is a digital museum of historical ancestor portraits.  The Ancestor Archive's gallery is providing a photograph collection of identified ancestor portraits. The portraits show genetic traits of people, who share common ancestors.

Types of images may include original or reproductions of Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, Carte de Visites (CDVs), Cabinet Cards, etc.

*In some cases you might be able to see multiple photographs of the same individual.*

This digital portrait museum's design and purpose is to be a resource for anyone to be able to use the collection of genetic reference guide photographs to view the genetic traits of various surnames.

For example, you can see if you share any traits with other members of any of the surnames that pertain to your specific family line.

Definition of the term "Genetic Reference Guide Photograph":

An identified image of a person or persons, which shows genetic traits, used as a guide to compare with other identified or unidentified images of people, which show genetic traits.

  Photographs are a wonderful source for showing genetic traits of people who share common ancestors.

  Each photograph shows traits relating to a person's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, chin, jaw line, hair, and hair line.

  Each photo below is labeled with specific traits that can be used to see how genetic traits are expressed in people who share common ancestors.


Below illustrates the expression of genetic traits for eyes in the family of Richard Monroe Allison.  Notice how each child's eyes resemble one of their parents.

  Descendants of "Mayflower" Passanger Edward Fuller : James Hervey Calkins and William Franklin Fuller


Below illustrates the expression of genetic traits from an immigrant ancestor.  Notice how the traits for each of the individual's facial features are extremely similiar if not almost completely identical.

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