Photo Gallery for the surname "Haas"

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Haas Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Haas".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Abraham Haas, b. 25 Sept. 1869 in New York City, New York, son of Leopold Haas & Sarah Greenthal.  He married Hannah Annette Soloman on April 4, 1898 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

Abraham Leo Haas, b. 2 May 1896 in Albany, Albany County, New York, son of Julius H. Haas & Fannie M. Illch.  He married Sadye Muriel Coon on October 24, 1919 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

Adele Haas, b. 9 Mar 1891 in Budapest, Hungary, d. 11 Sept. 1948 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, daughter of Moritz Haas & Katie Unknown.

Alfred M. Haas, b. 24 Jan 1876 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, son of Emanuel Emil Haas & Ermina Unknown.  He married Anna L. Drescher on August 2, 1910 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.

Anton Haas, b. 15 Jan 1864 in Austria (Death Record lists his date of birth as 15 Nov 1867 and place of birth as Czechoslovakia), d. 10 Feb 1933 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, son of Johann Haas & Unknown.  He married Anna Spicka on July 3, 1892 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.

Arthur John Haas, b. 29 Sept. 1894 in Dover, Tuscarawas County, Ohio, d. 29 Nov 1970 in Summit County, Ohio, son of Jacob A. Haas & Rosina Uebel.

August Haas, b. 13 Aug 1896 in Mulhouse, Alsace, France, son of Joseph Haas & Unknown.

B (None at this Time)
Carl Gustav Haas, b. 14 July 1861 in Ludwigsburg, Württemberg, Germany, d. 1933 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, son of Johann Gottlieb Karl Haas & Agnes Sidonie Binder.  He married Ida Krueger on May 5, 1888 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin.

Charles Haas
, b. 24 Feb 1859 in Oberkirch, Germany, son of Charles Haas & Unknown.  He married Bettie Schmidt on June 3, 1883 in Campbell County, Kentucky.

Charles Haas, b. 2 Jan 1868 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, son of Henry Haas & Unknown.  He married Else Schumann on October 21, 1891 New York.

D (None at this Time)
Edmund Louis Haas, b. 4 Jun 1877 in New York City, New York, d. 6 Mar 1942 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Louis Haas & Henrietta Kerbs.  He married Helene Guggenheim on April 12, 1905 in New York City, New York.

Emil Haas, b. 4 Jan 1892 in Long Island City, Queens County, New York, d. May 1967 in Queens County, New York, son of Isaac Haas & Sarah Abelis or Abeles.

Frederick Haas, b. 23 Jan 1868 in Michelstadt, Germany, d. 19 Jul 1948 in Allen County, Ohio, son of Frank Michael Haas & Albertina Braund.  He married Eva Barbara Allstaetter on June 20, 1901 in Allen County, Ohio.

George Henry Haas, b. 5 Nov 1829 in Wilhelm, Württemberg, Germany, d. 18 Oct 1900 in Meriden, New Haven County, Connecticut, son of Henry Haas & Unknown.  He married Margaret Bader on May 14, 1854 in Yalesville, Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut.

George Henry Haas, b. 15 Aug 1860 in Lowhill, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, d. 20 Jul 1934 in Allentown, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, son of Solomon Haas & Sirina Mohr.  He married Alice M. Seibert on July 10, 1887 in Fogelsville, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania.

Henry Valentine Haas, b. 18 Jul 1880 in Guebwiller, Alsace, France, son of Martin Haas & Unknown.  Henry Valentine Haas' name was changed to Henry Valentine Basset after he was naturalized.

Herman Joseph Haas, b. 10 May 1886 in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, d. 8 Dec 1973 in Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia, son of Aaron Haas & Fannie Rich. He married Violet P. Cowen on December 27, 1917 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

I (None at this Time)
Jean Jefferson Haas, b. 12 Jan 1892 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York, d. 15 Sept. 1925 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, son of Ignatius Haas & Grace Ellis.

Jesse Jonathan Haas, b. 17 Dec 1871 in Fairfield, Columbiana, Ohio, d. 14 Mar 1958 in District of Columbia, son of Solomon Haas & Lydia Truchsass.  He married Edith Kuester.

John Augustus William Haas, b. 31 Aug 1862 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, d. 22 Jul 1937 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, son of John Christian Haas & Annie Margaret Schur.  He married Charlotte Boscheus on October 6, 1891 in New York City, New York.

John Haas, b. 17 Jun 1863 in Germany, son of John George Haas & Unknown.

Joseph Seraphin Haas, b. 6 Jun 1869 in Traubach-le-Bas, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France, d. 12 Mar 1946 in Wauconda, Lake County, Illinois, son of Unknown Haas.  He married Regina Copi (1st wife).  He married Irma Ester Unknown (2nd wife).

K (None at this Time)
Louis M. Haas, b. 18 May 1869 in Michelstadt, Germany, d. 25 Oct 1936 in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, son of Frank Michael Haas & Albertina Braund.  He married Wilhelmina "Minnie" Naomi Roman on November 15, 1900 in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio.

Maximilian August Friedrich Haas, b. 29 Jun 1839 in Boderweier, Baden, Germany, d. 5 Jun 1915 in Mendota, La Salle County, Illinois, son of Georg Haas & Matthilde Auguste Karoline Heer.

N (None at this Time)
O (None at this Time)
Paul Andre Haas, b. 27 May 1901 in Wauconda, Lake County, Illinois, son of Joseph Seraphin Haas & Unknown.

Paul Fred Haas, b. 31 Aug 1883 in Leavenworth, Leavenworth County, Kansas, son of Otto Haas & Agnes Schepp.  He married Grace E. Smith (2nd wife) on September 24, 1909 in St. Joseph County, Indiana.

Philip Haas, b. 7 Jun 1874 in Michelstadt, Germany, d. 30 Sept. 1927 in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, son of Frank Michael Haas & Albertina Braund.  He married Catherine Steiger on August 29, 1900 in Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio.

Q (None at this Time)
Robert Mathias Haas, b. 6 Jan 1889 in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey, d. 17 Dec 1962 in Orange County, California, son of William Haas & Christina Krach.  He married Marion A. Staib on June 16, 1917 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

Salomon Emile Haas, b. 15 Dec 1867 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Leopold Haas & Marie-Anne Rosenberg.  He married Bethe Weil.

T (None at this Time)
U (None at this Time)
Vera Haas, b. 2 Jan 1893 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, d. Apr 1983 in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, daughter of Charles Haas & Else Schumann.

William C. Haas, b. 29 Nov 1872 in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan, d. 1945 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, son of William Haas & Louisa Unknown.  He married Marta Unknown.

William Clarence Haas, b. 4 Jan 1873 in Mendon, St. Joseph County, Michigan, son of Adam Haas & Sarah A. Stephens.  He married Alta M. Rippey (1st wife) on October 2, 1895 in Union, Branch County, Michigan.  He married Genevieve M. Armstrong (2nd wife) on August 15, 1909 in Pavilion, Kalamazoo County, Michigan.

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