Photo Gallery for the surname "Marble"

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Marble Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Marble".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Albert Prescott Marble, b. 21 Aug 1836 in Vassalboro, Kennebec County, Maine, d. 25 Mar 1906 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of John Marble & Emeline Prescott.  He married Louisa W. Marston on August 19, 1861 in Waterville, Kennebec County, Maine.

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Edwin Tyler Marble, b. 18 Aug 1827 in Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 3 Jul 1910 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Royal Tyler Marble & Ann Bailey Clement.  He married Harriet Hamilton Chase on October 23, 1850 in Shelburne, Franklin County, Massachusetts.

Fred Elmer Marble, b. 21 Jun 1861 in Honeoye Falls, Monroe County, New York, d. 25 Mar 1937 in Atlantic City, Atlantic County, New Jersey, son of Albert Burt Marble & Frances Elizabeth Hunt.  He married Adeline Louise Morris on December 3, 1890 in Wallingford, New Haven County, Connecticut.

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Harmon Percy Marble, b. 5 Nov 1870 in Table Rock, Pawnee County, Nebraska, d. 1945 in Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, son of Milton Marble & Maria Bump.

Henry Marble
, b. 5 Sept. 1848 in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, chr. in Mexico, Oxford County, Maine, d. 26 Dec 1924 in Berlin, Coos County, New Hampshire, son of Barnard L. Marble & Lucy Trask Abbott.  He married Mercy Littlefield on January 5, 1876 in Auburn, Androscoggin County, Maine.

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Jerome Marble, b. 10 Sept. 1824 in Charlton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 14 Feb 1906 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of John Putnam Marble & Ruth Anne Rider.  He married Susan Emeline Blanchard (1st wife) on March 21, 1849 in Charlton, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  He married Abbie E. Redding (2nd wife) on August 22, 1882 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

John Oliver Marble, b. 26 Apr 1839 in Vassalboro, Kennebec County, Maine, d. 9 Dec 1920 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of John Marble & Emeline Prescott.  He married Helen Murray Allen on April 8, 1873 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

John Putnam Marble, b. 1 Oct 1802 in Charlton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 23 Jan 1901 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Thaddeus Marble & Olive Putnam.  He married Ruth Anne Rider on November 30, 1823 in Charlton, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Joseph Russel Marble
, b. 30 Jun 1852 in North Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island, d. 8 Oct 1920 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Russel Marble & Phebe Alney.  He married Emily Greene Chase on October 26, 1880 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

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Melissa Jane Marble, b. 25 October 1827 in Vermont, d. 9 Jul 1927 in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, daughter of Charles Marble & Elizabeth Stone.  She married Joseph Thompson Dodge on October 24, 1850 in North Hartland, Windsor County, Vermont.

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Sebastian Streeter Marble, b. 1 March 1817 in Dixfield, Oxford County, Maine, d. 10 May 1902 in Waldoboro, Lincoln County, Maine, son of Ephraim Marble & Hannah Packard.  He married Mary Strickland Ellis in 1847.

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