Photo Gallery for the surname "Nichols"

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Nichols Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Nichols".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Ansel Nichols, b. 14 May 1804 in Crown Point, Essex County, New York, d. 15 Apr 1877 in Quincy, Branch County, Michigan, son of Asa Nichols or Nicholls & Lorena Unknown.  He married Susan Johnson on May 18, 1828 in Panton, Addison County, Vermont.

B (None at this Time)
Charles Fessenden Nichols, b. 20 Feb 1846 in Salem, Essex County, Massachusetts, d. 5 Apr 1915 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, son of Charles Saunders Nichols & Amelia Ann Ainsworth.  He married Grace Belle Houston (1st wife) on May 7, 1884 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.  He married Anne J. Arenberg (2nd wife) on April 9, 1901 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.

Charles Nichols, b. 27 Jul 1816 in Pompey, Onondaga County, New York, d. 16 Oct 1887 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son of Browning Nichols & Catherine Cale (2nd wife).  He married Lucy Ann Porter on November 14, 1847 in Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts.

Clarence Lincoln Nichols
, b. 3 Jan 1861 in Waterford, Dakota County, Minnesota, d. 26 Sep 1911 in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, son of Ziba Bass Nichols & Emily Lamb Porter.  He married Mary Roseburgh Banks on June 23, 1898 in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

D (None at this Time)
Edgar Barlow Nichols, b. 25 Feb 1855 in Easton Fairfield County, Connecticut, d. 17 Feb 1935 in Cohoes, Albany County, New York, son of Charles Nichols & Polly Lavinia Jennings.  He married Clara Bell Clark on July 18, 1883 in Cohoes, Albany County, New York.

Eugene A. Nichols, b. b. 11 Oct 1842 in Middlesex, Washington County, New Hampshire, d. 20 Apr 1925 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, son of William A. Nichols & Harriet Leland.  He married Elvira Marion Lee on March 12, 1874 in Rockford, Winnebago County, Wisconsin.

F (None at this Time)
George King Nichols, b. 10 Apr 1827 in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, son of John Adams Nichols & Melinda King.  He married Mary L. Harrington in 1857.

George Nichols, b. 17 Apr 1827 in Northfield, Washington County, Vermont, d. 28 Apr 1907 in Northfield, Washington County, Vermont, son of James Nichols & Annis A. Dole (1st wife).  He married Ellen Maria Blake on April 8, 1852 in Vermont.

George Warner Nichols, b. 12 May 1817 in Fairfield, Herkimer County, New York, d. 16 Feb 1900 in Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut, son of Samuel Nichols & Susan Nexsen Warner.  He married Elizabeth Ray Lott on March 24, 1870 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

Gilbert Morton Nichols, b. 20 Dec 1857 in Freetown, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 28 Jul 1925 in Taunton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of Thomas Gilbert Nichols & Irene Lazell Crane.  He married Alice L. Nichols (1st wife) on August 14, 1919 in Freetown, Bristol County, Massachusetts.  He married Annie Perkins (2nd wife) on April 28, 1924 in Attleboro, Bristol County, Massachusetts.

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James Edwin Nichols, b. 26 Apr 1845 in Meredith, Belknap County, New Hampshire, son of Robert Moore Nichols & Huldah Jane Black.  He married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Griggs on October 16, 1878 in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts.

James Nichols
, b. 25 Feb 1796 in Putney, Windham County, Vermont, d. 23 Feb 1873 in Northfield, Washington County, Vermont, son of Eleazer Nichols & Betsey Goodwin.  He married Annis A. Dole (1st wife) on January 1, 1826.  He married Harriet West (2nd wife) on May 1, 1831.

John C. Nichols, b. 10 Nov 1848 in Minisink, Orange County, New York, d. 1 May 1915 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son of James Nichols & Sarah Benton.  He married Julia E. Laird on March 22, 1876.

John H. Nichols
, b. 1 Aug 1821 in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, d. 19 Sept. 1893 in Louisa County, Iowa, son of Robert Nichols & Rebecca Baldridge.

K (None at this Time)
Lucy Adda Nichols, b. 18 Feb 1849 in Nashville, Barry County, Michigan, d. 1920 in San Diego, San Diego County, California, daughter of Amos Preston Nichols & Desta Bigelow.  She married Levi Bigelow on May 19, 1914 in Shoreham, Addison County, Vermont.

Lucy Ann Nichols, b. 12 Mar 1830 in Muskingum County, Ohio, d. 6 Sep 1901 in Waynesville, DeWitt County, Illinois, daughter of M. P. Nichols & Mary McConaha.  She married Isaac Ellington in 1846 in Waynesville, DeWitt County, Illinois.

Monroe Nichols, b. 2 Apr 1834 in Thompson, Windham County, Connecticut, d. 17 Jan 1868 in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, son of George Pickering Nichols & Mary Alton (2nd wife).  He married Sarah Shumway on March 26, 1856 in Thompson, Windham County, Connecticut.

N (None at this Time)
Orrin Parks Nichols, b. 21 Jun 1817 in Montgomery, Hampden County, Massachusetts, d. 28 Apr 1877 in Twinsburg, Summit County, Ohio, son of Caleb Nichols & Amanda F. Parks.  He married Lemisa F. Crow (1st wife) on November 13, 1840 in Medina County, Ohio.  He married Wealthy Catherine Baird (2nd wife) on September 11, 1847 in Summit County, Ohio.

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Samuel Hopkins Nichols, b. 7 Aug 1835 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, d. 5 Apr 1913 in Everett, Snohomish County, Washington, son of Lemuel Nichols & Lucy L. Fessendon.  He married Elizabeth S. Hurd on September 20, 1853 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

Samuel P. Nichols
, b. Jun 1853 in New York, d. 14 Aug 1911 in Palmyra, Wayne County, New York.  He married Mary Pardee in 1885.

Thomas Gilbert Nichols, b. 9 Nov 1819 in Freetown, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 16 Feb 1883 in Freetown, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of John Nichols & Margaret Winslow.  He married Irene Lazell Crane on December 16, 1852 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

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Walter Dean Nichols, b. 28 Apr 1814 in Berkley, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 17 Jul 1886 in Berkley, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of Abiel Nichols & Fidelia Briggs.  He married Lucinda Hervey (1st wife) in 1836.  He married Nancy H. Dean (2nd wife) on April 12, 1846 in Berkley, Bristol County, Massachusetts.

William Alexander Nichols, b. 27 Mar 1805 in Leominster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 30 Apr 1858 in Leominster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Israel Nichols & Esther Gowing.

William Ford Nichols, b. 9 Jun 1849 in Lloyd, Ulster County, New York, d. 1924 in San Francisco, San Francisco County, California, son of Charles H. Nichols & Margaret E. Grant.  He married Clara Quintard on May 18, 1876 in Manhattan, New York County, New York

William Nichols
, b. 28 Sep 1802 in Putney, Windham County, Vermont, d. 24 Oct 1863 in Northfield, Washington County, Vermont, son of Eleazer Nichols & Betsey Goodwin.  He married Roxanna Herrick.

William R. Nichols, b.29 Apr 1858 in Shelbyville, Shelby County, Illinois, d. after 1940 in Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington.  He married Elzora Victoria McMinn on July 30, 1890 in Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington.

William Snowden Nichols, b. 1822 in Massachusetts, d. 22 Jul 1905 in Great Neck, Long Island, New York, son of Charles C. Nichols & Joanna C. Snowden.  He married Elizabeth Ericsson in 1857.

William Wallace Nichols
, b. 17 Nov 1860 in New York City, New York, son of Edward Erastus Nichols & Ann Maria McAuley.  He married Mary Elizabeth Hill (1st wife) on April 6, 1896.  He married Mary Emily Miller (2nd wife) on June 25, 1912 in Summit County, Ohio.

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