Photo Gallery for the surname "Peck"

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Peck Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Peck".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Aaron Peck, b. 2 Mar 1798 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey, d. 8 Apr 1865 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey, son of James Peck & Hannah Canfield.  He married Miranda Pierson on April 19, 1820 in East Orange, Essex County, New Jersey.  (Descendant of Henry Peck, who came to this country in 1637, settled for a time in Boston, and afterwards became one of the founders of the New Haven Colony.)

Abner Webb Peck, b. 8 Feb 1822 in Brownville, Jefferson County, New York, d. 12 Apr 1910 in Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, son of Eliphalet Peck & Lois Strong Webb.  He married Laura Pearsons on December 26, 1850 in La Fargeville, Jefferson County, New York.

Andrew Peck
, b. 29 Apr 1800 in Middlefield, Otsego County, New York, d. 6 May 1887 in Cortland, Cortland County, New York, son of Luther Peck & Annis Collar.  Polly Hudson (1st wife) in 1824.  He married Electa Gunn (2nd wife) in 1833.  He married Betsey Fenn (3rd wife) in 1857.

Asahel Peck, b. Sept. 1803 in Roylaston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 18 May 1879 in Jerricho, Chittenden County, Vermont, Squire Peck & Elizabeth Goddard.  (Descendant of Joseph Peck, the first American ancestor, for twenty-one generations to John Peck, Esquire, of Belton, Yorkshire, England.)

Augustus Lockwood Peck, b. 8 Sept. 1816 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, d. 22 Jan 1883 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, son of Enoch Parsons Peck & Mary Peck.  He married Mary Parsons on January 6, 1841 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut.  (Descendant of William Peck, who emigrated from London, England on board the ship "Hector" and arrived in Boston, Massachusetts on June 26, 1637.)

Bela Peck, b. 10 Jul 1758 in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, d. 15 Dec 1850 in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut, son of Joseph Peck & Elizabeth Lathrop (3rd wife).  He married Betsey Billings (1st wife) on October 20, 1787 in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut.  He married Lydia Shipman (2nd wife) on August 18, 1819 in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut.

Benjamin Bangs Peck, b. 3 Jan 1844 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, d. 26 Nov 1901 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, son of Norman Peck & Annie Gardner.  He married Alice Sparrow on November 22, 1867 in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts.

Benjamin Drown Peck, b. 11 Apr 1813 in Bristol, Bristol County, Rhode Island, d. 11 Jun 1896, son of Joshua Peck & Sarah Drown (3rd wife).  He married Nancy A. Miller on August 21, 1838 in Mendon, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Benjamin Peck, b. 3 Jun 1790 in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 29 Oct 1882 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of Peleg Peck & Mary Salsburyor Salisbury (2nd wife).  He married Mary Luther on February 12, 1815 in Barrington, Bristol County, Rhode Island.

Benoni Peck, b. 27 Jul 1783 in Roylaston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 26 Aug 1872 in Fitzwilliam, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, son of Solomon Peck & Ann Wheeler.  He married Eunice Rogers (1st wife) on May 4, 1808 in Royalston, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  He married Melinda Richards (2nd wife) on April 12, 1854 in Royalston, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Charles Booth Peck, b. 4 Jun 1857 in Trumbull, Fairfield County, Connecticut, d. 28 Apr 1932 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, son of James L. Peck & Charlotte A. Booth.  He married May D. Tyrrell (1st wife) on December 18, 1879 in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut.  He married Mary A. Williams (2nd wife) on December 8, 1886 in Hennepin County, Minnesota.  He married Florence Marshall Hunter (3rd wife) on December 30, 1916 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan.

Charles H. Peck, b. 11 Mar 1829 in Smithfield, Providence County, Rhode Island, d. 5 Aug 1911 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of William Peck & Lucinda Emerson.  He married Harriet Goodwin Holyoke on January 1, 1854 in Stow, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

Charles Northrop Peck, b. 25 May 1863 in Hampton, Washington County, New York, d. 28 Sept. 1906 in Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas, son of Josiah Peck &Harriet J. Miller.  He married Frances Anna Paradis on May 3, 1892 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.

Charles William Peck, b. 18 Dec 1834 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, d. 6 Oct 1906 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, son of Enoch Parsons Peck & Mary Peck.  He married Julia M. Cartwright on November 3, 1858 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut.  (Descendant of William Peck, who emigrated from London, England on board the ship "Hector" and arrived in Boston, Massachusetts on June 26, 1637.)

Charlotte Wright Peck, b. 15 Mar 1808 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 11 Apr 1888 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, daughter of Sylvanus Peck & Charlotte Wright.  She married Eleazer A. Brown on October 7, 1827 in Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts.

Darius Peck, b. 5 Jun 1802 in Norwich, Chenango County, New York, d. 27 Oct 1879 in Hudson, Columbia County, New York, son of John Peck & Sarah Ferris.  He married Harriet M. Hudson on September 12, 1836 in Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. 

Edward Willard Peck, b. 31 Dec 1845 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, d. 20 Oct 1911 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, son of Everard Peck & Alice Bacon (3rd wife).  He married Ida L. Jones in 1870.

Edwin Orlando Peck, b. 30 Jan 1815 in Colebrook, Litchfield, County, Connecticut, d. 27 Apr 1900 in Richmond Township, Ashtabula County, Ohio, son of Justus Peck & Sally Unknown.  He married Laura Emily Bartholomew on April 13, 1837 in Harpersfield, Ashtabula County, Ohio.

Eleazer Adorno Peck, b. 15 Dec 1815 in West Stafford, Tolland County, Connecticut, d. 27 Mar 1887 in Troy, Rensselaer County, New York, son of Daniel Peck & Persis Ladd.  He married Lucy E. Wildman on June 1, 1839 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut.  (Descendant of William Peck, who emigrated from London, England on board the ship "Hector" and arrived in Boston, Massachusetts on June 26, 1637.)

Eli Peck, b. 25 Jun 1816 in Sandgate, Bennington County, Vermont, d. 9 Feb 1892 in Batavia, Kane County, Illinois, son of Thomas Peck & Mindwell Lacey. He married Jerusha Sherman on November 20, 1839 in Bennington County, Vermont.

Elias R. Peck, b. 10 Oct 1824 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, d. 21 Oct 1864 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, son of Enoch Parsons Peck & Mary Peck.  He married Euphemia E. Nodine on October 28, 1854 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut.  (Descendant of William Peck, who emigrated from London, England on board the ship "Hector" and arrived in Boston, Massachusetts on June 26, 1637.)

Elisha Peck, b. 4 Mar 1788 in Lenox, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, d. 26 Nov 1851 in New York City, New York, son of Elisha Peck & Lucretia Pattison.  He married Chloe Pattison on June 30, 1814 in Berlin, Hartford County, Connecticut.

Enoch Parsons Peck, b. 14 Nov 1787 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut, d. 24 Aug 1858 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, son of Calvin Peck & Betsy Parsons.  He married Mary Peck on November 7, 1815.  (Descendant of William Peck, who emigrated from London, England on board the ship "Hector" and arrived in Boston, Massachusetts on June 26, 1637.)

Enos Peck, b. 15 Aug 1790 in New Haven, Addison County, Vermont, d. 28 Nov 1879 in Van Buren, Onondaga County, New York, son of Enos Peck & Anna Marsh.  He married Annis Hopkins in 1815 in Onondaga County, New York.

Everard Peck, b. 6 Nov 1791 in Berlin, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 9 Feb 1854 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, son of Jesse Peck & Philoma Cook.  He married Chloe Porter (1st wife) in 1820.  He married Martha Farley (2nd wife) in 1836.  He married Alice Bacon (3rd wife) in 1852.

Fenwick Lyman Peck, b. 18 Sept. 1854 in Peckville, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, d. 1943 in Pennsylvania, son of Jonathan Wilson Peck & Mercietta Hall (1st wife).  He married Jessie Mott (1st wife) on November 20, 1881.  He married Mina V. Pethick (2nd wife) on February 5, 1885.

Ferdinand Wythe Peck, b. 15 Jul 1848 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, d. 4 Nov 1924 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, son of Phillip Ferdinand Wheeler Peck & Mary Kent Wythe.  He married Tilla C. Spaulding on November 17, 1870 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois.

Fletcher Clay Peck, b. 7 Aug 1841 in Nunda, Livingston County, New York, d. 30 Nov 1920 in Nunda, Livingston County, New York, son of Luther Christopher Peck & Cynthia Fletcher.  He married Mary Metcalf on October 8, 1869 in Nunda, Livingston County, New York.

Frank Chittenden Peck, b.21 Jul 1878 in Scranton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, d. 12 Nov 1921 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, son of Joseph Russell Peck & Harriet E. Chittenden.  He married Louise Mary Gunster on January 22, 1903 in Scranton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

Frank Gardner Peck, b. 7 Jun 1862 near El Paso, McLean County, Illinois, d. 26 Jul 1922 in Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado, son of Arthur Peck & Lucinda D. Nay.  He married Mary Anna Burns on April 17, 1895 in Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado.

Gardner Mason Peck, b. 8 Feb 1797 in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 27 Jan 1878 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Thomas Peck & Elizabeth Mason.  He married Elizabeth H. Mason (1st wife) on April 10, 1821 in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts.  He married Sarah Talbot (2nd wife) in 1841 in Massachusetts.

George Bacheler Peck, b. 12 Aug 1843 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, d. 20 Nov 1934 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, son of George Bacheler Peck & Ann Power Smith.

George Myers Peck, b. 17 Apr 1820 in Forty Fort, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, d. 16 Feb 1897 in Green Ridge, Scranton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, son of George Peck & Mary Myers.  He married Sarah Louisa Butler on July 18, 1839 in Pompey, Onondaga County, New York.

George Peck, b. 8 Aug 1797 in Middlefield, Otsego County, New York, d. 20 May 1876 in Scranton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, son of Luther Peck & Annis Collar.  He married Mary Myers on June 10, 1819 in Forty Fort, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

George Peck, b. 9 Jul 1826 in Orange, Essex County, New Jersey, d. 26 Jul 1906 in New Paltz, Ulster County, New York, son of Aaron Peck & Miranda Pierson.  He married Eliza Adelia Brewster on September27, 1847.

George Record Peck, b. 15 May 1843 in Cameron, Steuben County, New York, d. 22 Feb 1923 in Hinsdale, DuPage County, Illinois, son of Joel Munger Peck & Amanda Purdy.  He married Julia Arabella Burdick on October 24, 1866 in Rock County, Wisconsin.

George Sanford Peck, b. 13 Nov 1881 in Binghamton, Broome County, New York, d. 30 Aug 1934 in Cory, Erie, County, Pennsylvania, son of Sanford D. Peck & Fannie Loretta Beech.  He married Marguerite H. Sollers (1st wife) on February 8, 1905 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.  He married Marjorie G. Auer (2nd wife) on September 6, 1922 in Cory, Erie County, Pennsylvania.

George Wesley Peck, b.7 Feb 1849 in Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, d. 15 Mar 1940 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York, son of George Wesley Peck & Abigail Bennett.  He married Ina Merle Carter on June 11, 1890.

George Wilbur Peck, b. 28 Sept. 1840 in Henderson, Jefferson County, New York, d. 16 Apr 1916 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, son of David Bell Peck & Alzina P. Joslin.  He married Francena Rowley on May 6, 1861 in Delavan, Walworth County, Wisconsin.

Gideon Hopkins Peck, b. 7 Nov 1871 in Yonkers, Westchester County, New York, son of Sidney Starr Peck & Anna Hopkins.  He married Ella J. Percival on October 22, 1884.

Hamilton Sullivan Peck, b. 22 Oct 1845 in Royalston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 12 Oct 1933 in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, son of Sullivan Peck & Czarina Davis.  He married Selina Atwood Aiken on January 28, 1875 in Vermont.

Harry Thurston Peck, b. 24 Nov 1856 in Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, d. 23 Mar 1914 in Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut, son of Harry Peck & Harriet Elizabeth Thurston.  He married Cornelia M. Dawborn on April 26, 1882.

Helen Sophie Peck, b. 19 Jul 1834 in West Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, daughter of Sylvester Peck &Fanny Roberts.  She married Unknown Hardinge.

Henry Dayton Peck, b. 10 Mar 1856 in Cayuga County, New York, d. 1 Oct 1908 in Auburn, Cayuga County, New York son of George W. Peck & Alma Lester Rose.  He married Mary Fowler in 1897.

Henry Peck, b. 2 Aug 1829 in Royalston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 16 Jan 1888 in Winchendon, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Benoni Peck & Eunice Rogers (1st wife).  He married Frances Corey on December 31, 1861 in Fitzwilliam, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.

Ira Ballou Peck, b. 12 Feb 1805 in Wrentham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, d. 27 Jun 1885 in Woonsocket, Providence County, Rhode Island, son of Royal Peck & Abigail Ballou.  He married Mary Blackinton on June 19, 1834 in Attleboro, Bristol County, Massachusetts.

Isaac Peck, b. 15 Jan 1858 in Flushing, Long Island, New York, d. 30 Jun 1911 in Brooklyn, Windham County, Connecticut, son of Isaac Peck & Abby Phelps Beers.  He married Mary Constantia Smith Heyward on October 2, 1890 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

Jabez Lathrop Peck, b. 7 Dec 1826 in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, d. 5 Apr 1895 in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, son of Jabez Peck & Clarissa Lathrop.  He married Elizabeth D. Dowse on November 2, 1853 in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts.

James Stevens Peck, b. 6 Dec 1838 in Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont, d. 28 May 1884 in Loon Lake, New York, son of William Nelson Peck & Julia Ann Clark.  He married Ellen Mary Blake on March 4, 1869 in Montpelier, Washington County, Vermont.

Jay Leverett Peck, b. 1851 in Alexander, Genesee County, New York, d. 7 Nov 1912 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, son of Leverett Peck & Viola Sanderson.  He married Eva A. Sammons on December 27, 1877 in LaPorte County, Indiana.

Jesse Truesdell Peck, b. 4 Apr 1811 in Middlefield Center, Otsego County, New York, d. 17 May 1883 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son of Luther Peck & Annis Collar.  He married Persis Wing on October 13, 1831.

Joel Barlow Peck, b. 1 Apr 1809 in Sand Lake, Rensselaer County, New York, d. 19 Aug 1891 in Sand Lake, Rensselaer County, New York, son of Marcus Peck & Margaret Garner.  He married Pamelia Horton on June 9, 1832 in Sand Lake, Rensselaer County, New York.  (Descendant (7th generation) of Henry Peck, who settled at New Haven, Connecticut, in the spring of 1638.)

John Dwight Peck, b. 26 Apr 1831 in Greenfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, d. Jan 1933 in Fairfax County, Virginia, son of Samuel Peck & Sarah Wilson.  He married Sarah Sneidecor (1st wife) on August 26, 1852.  He married Delano Stone (2nd wife) on November 8, 1860.  He married Mary F. Robinson (3rd wife) on January 16, 1878.

John Hudson Peck, b. 7 Feb 1838 in Hudson, Columbia County, New York, d. 4 May 1919 in Troy, Rensselaer County, New York, son of Darius Peck & Harriet M. Hudson.  He married Mary Plum Mann on August 7, 1883.

John James Peck, b. 4 Jan 1821 in Manlius, Onondaga County, New York, d. 21 Apr 1878 Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son of John Wells Peck & Phoebe Raynor.  He married Robie Harris Loomis on November 20, 1850.

John Lyman Peck, b. 5 Oct 1869 in Felton, Kent County, Delaware, d. 1932 in Scranton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, son of Samuel Lyman Peck & Esther Ann Pugh (2nd wife).  He married Helen Sanderson Hand on February 5, 1903 in Scranton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

Jonathan Kenyon Peck, b. 31 Dec 1824 in German, Chenango County, New York, d. 31 Dec 1899 in Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, son of Luther Hoyt Peck & Mary Kenyon (1st wife).   He married Mary Searle on April 23, 1857 in Plains, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

Jonathan Wilson Peck, b. 9 Jul 1826 in Franklin County, Massachusetts, d. 14 Oct 1895 in Scranton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, son of Samuel Peck & Sarah Wilson.  He married Mercietta Hall (1st wife) on May 26, 1853 in Pennsylvania.  He married Hattie A. Clapp (2nd wife).

Joseph Russell Peck, b. 26 Aug 1840 in Pleasant Mount, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, d. 18 May 1918, son of David Horton Peck & Lurana Squires.  He married Harriet E. Chittenden on July 12, 1871.

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Lemuel Peck, b. 25 Jul 1802 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, d. 26 Apr 1886 in Sharon, Litchfield County, Connecticut, son of Julius Peck & Sarah Dunning.

Luther Hoyt Peck
, b. 3 Nov 1793 in Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut, d. 25 Feb 1881 in Pitcher, Chenango County, New York, son of Luther Peck & Annis Collar.  He married Mary Kenyon (1st wife) on September 16, 1816.  He married Dorcas Carpenter (2nd wife) on December 2, 1866.

Luther Peck, b. 12 Jun 1767 in Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut, d. 30 Sep 1848 in Hamilton, Madison County, New York, son of Jesse Peck & Ruth Hoyt.  He married Annis Collar on September 27, 1787 in Danbury, Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Luther Peck, b. 9 Mar 1827 in Pitcher, Chenango County, New York, d. 31 Oct 1894 in Hornbrook, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, son of Luther Hoyt Peck & Mary Kenyon (1st wife).  He married Lucy Adeline Lyman on May 15, 1867.

Luther Wesley Peck, b. 14 Jun 1825 in Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, d. 31 Mar 1900 in Scranton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, son of George Peck & Mary Myers.  He married Sarah Maria Gibbons on January 18, 1848.

Lydia Peck, b. 13 Aug 1806 in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, d. 22 Feb 1875 in Berlin Center, Mahoning County, Ohio.  She married Jonathan King in 1825.

Lyman Peck, b. 11 Feb 1804 in Royalston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 1 Dec 1862 in Royalston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Daniel Peck & Delia Gale.  He married Lorina Davis (1st wife) on January 15, 1829 in Royalston, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  He married Fanny Harwood (2nd wife) on December 6, 1860.  (Descendant of Joseph Peck, who, fleeing from Hingham, England, to avoid religious persecution, came to Plymouth Colony in 1638, and settled in Rehoboth, Massachusetts.)

Marquis Lafayette Peck, b. 11 Apr 1825 in Sullivan, Madison County, New York, d. 24 Feb 1904 in Fayetteville, Onondaga County, New York, son of James Peck & Sallie Knowles.  He married Sarah Elizabeth Fritcher on April 8, 1851.

Matthew Peck, b. 1839 in Berlin, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 10 Sep 1930 in Berlin, Hartford County, Connecticut, son of Norris Peck & Elizabeth Edwards Langdon.

Norris Peck, b. 9 Dec 1795 in Kensington, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 8 Aug 1869 in Berlin, Hartford County, Connecticut, son of Amos Peck & Anna Scoville.  He married Elizabeth Edwards Langdon on October 6, 1823 in Kensington, Hartford County, Connecticut.

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Robert Ellsworth Peck, b. 8 Nov 1866 in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, son of Leonard Ellsworth Peck & Jennette Winters Clark.  He married Eva L. Unknown in 1899.

Solomon Peck, b. 25 Jan 1800 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, d. 12 Jun 1874 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, son of Benjamin Peck & Sarah Batchelor.  He married Elizabeth Sarah Reeves Hooker on May 11, 1826 in Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts.

Sullivan Peck, b. 27 Mar 1806 in Royalston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 22 Nov 1885 in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, son of Daniel Peck & Delia Gale.  He married Czarina Davis on May 29, 1831 in Royalston, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Theodore Safford Peck, b. 22 Mar 1843 in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, d. 15 Mar 1918 in Burlington, Chittenden County, Vermont, son of Theodore Augustus Peck & Delia Horton Safford.  He married Agnes Louise Lesslie on October 29, 1879 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

Thomas Peck, b. 12 Feb 1767 in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 16 Oct 1851 in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of Peleg Peck & Phebe Mason (1st wife).  He married Elizabeth Mason on December 8, 1793 in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts.

Tracy Peck, b. 24 May 1838 in Bristol, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 24 Nov 1921 in Rome, Italy, son of Tracy Peck & Sally Adams.  He married Elizabeth Harriet Hall on December 22, 1870 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York.

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Vincent Charles Peck, b. 11 Feb 1863 in Trumbull, Fairfield County, Connecticut, d. 2 Jul 1954 in Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, son of Charles Wesley Peck & Mary Jane Shelton.  He married Estella Nichols Plumb on June 26, 1888 in Nichols, Fairfield County, Connecticut.

Wilber S. Peck, b. 27 Nov 1844 in Solon, Cortland County, New York, d. 2 Nov 1923 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son of Nathan Peck & Polly Thompson.  He married Alice Ritchie on August 22, 1867 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York.

Willard Halladay Peck, b. 5 Oct 1854 in DeWitt, Onondaga County, New York, d. 25 Jun 1921 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son of De Witt Clinton Peck & Salome Kinne.  He married Sophronia Janette Kinne on October 5, 1881 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York.

William Edward Peck, b. 13 Oct 1821 in Wrentham, Norfolk County, Massachusetts, d. 13 Aug 1865 in Napoleonville, Assumption Parish, Louisiana, son of William Peck & Sarah Arnold.  He married Harriet A. Newell on June 28, 1853 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island.

William Farley Peck, b. 4 Feb 1840 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, d. 6 Dec 1908 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, son of Everard Peck & Martha Farley (2nd wife).  He married Laura Louise Harley in 1882.

William Henry Peck, b. 28 May 1852 in Pleasant Mounty, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, son of George Myers Peck & Sarah Louisa Butler.  He married Arminda Kyte (1st wife) on March 11, 1873 in West Pittston, Luzerne County. Pennsylvania.  He married Mary Emma Williams (2nd wife) on June 28, 1930 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

William Joseph Peck, b. 24 Jan 1874 in Scranton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, son of William Henry Peck & Arminda Kyte.  He married Lawson Dymond Hart on October 6, 1897 in Pittston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

William Miller Peck, b. 29 Jun 1900 in Concordia, Cloud County, Kansas, son of Charles Northrop Peck & Frances Anna Paradis. 

William Peck, b. 7 Dec 1802 in Middlefield, Otsego County, New York, d. 16 Mar 1883 in Oswego Falls, Oswego County, New York, son of Luther Peck & Annis Collar.  He married Charlotte Wallen on January 1, 1828.

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