Photo Gallery for the surname "Perry"

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Perry Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Perry".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Abijah Perry, b. 16 Jan 1807 in Lewis, Essex County, New York, d. 20 Sept. 1882 in Elizabethtown, Essex County, New York, son of Nathan Perry & Rebecca Brown.  He married Eliza Kellogg on September 6, 1832 in Elizabethtown, Essex County, New York.

Andrew Jackson Perry, (New York) (1900)

Benjamin Perry, b. 18 Apr 1779 in Windham, Windham County, Connecticut, d. 28 Apr 1847 in Arkwright, Chautauqua County, New York, son of Joseph Perry & Susannah Tupper.  He married Catherine Sloane in Fredonia, Chautauqua County, New York.

Bliss Perry, b. 25 Nov 1860 in Williamstown, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, d. 13 Feb 1954 in Exeter, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, son of Arthur Latham Perry & Mary Brown Smedley.  He married Annie Louise Bliss on August 7, 1888.  (Ancestry - Scotch, Irish, & English)

Charles Bennett Perry, b. Dec 1855 in Oxford, New Haven County, Connecticut, d. 17 Dec 1940 in Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, son of Charles Perry & Mary A. Alling.  He married Frances E. McNair on April 20, 1887 in Brodhead, Green County, Wisconsin.

Charles Coffin Perry, b. 15 Dec 1857 in Richmond, Wayne County, Indiana, son of Joseph James Perry & Ruth Moffitt.

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Eli Perry, (1882)

Elisha A. Perry, b. 31 Mar 1822 in Arkwright, Chautauqua County, New York, d. 11 Mar 1889 in Adams, Colfax County, Nebraska, son of Seth Perry & Ruba Unknown.  He married Betsey Elizabeth Town on March 14, 1844 in Arkwright, Chautauqua County, New York.

Emory Perry, b. 25 Jul 1799 in Holliston, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, d. 2 Apr 1855 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Adams Perry & Anna Wait.  He married Arabella Wheeler on May 1, 1819 in Holliston, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

Francis Wright Perry, b. 4 Jul 1859 in Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, d. 1 Feb 1935 in Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida, son of Charles G. Perry & Susan Brown. He married Georgiana Woolson (1st wife) on September 27, 1882 in Chicopee Falls, Chicopee, Hampden County, Massachusetts.  He married Thora E. Peterson (2nd wife) on May 29, 1894 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.  He married Jennie Cormack (3rd wife) on October 3, 1906 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.

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Henry S. Perry, b. 20 Nov 1845 in Stewartstown, Coos County, New Hampshire, d. 30 Mar 1914 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, son of John Perry & Betsy J. Bailey.  He married Mary Ann Cushon (1st wife) on November 6, 1866 in Weare, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire.  He married Emma F. Cram (2nd wife) on November 21, 1875 in New Hampshire.

Herbert J. Perry, (Central New York) (1903)

Howard G. Perry, (Central New York) (1903)

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Jackson Perry, d. 1897 (Central New York) (1903)

John Jasiel Perry, b.  2 Aug 1811 in Portsmouth, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, d. 2 May 1897 in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine, son of Dan Perry & Polly Caldwell.  He married Sarah Adams Allen in June, 1844 in Waterford, Oxford County, Maine.

John Strong Perry, (1882)

Josiah Perry, b. 22 Mar 1851 in Remsen, Oneida County, New York, d. 1 Apr 1919 in Utica, Oneida County, New York, son of Owen F. Perry & Jane Powell.  He married Ella Williams (1st wife) in November, 1878.  He married Nellie Gaylord (2nd wife) in December, 1888.  (His father a native of North Wales, Great Britain, came to America in 1847)

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Samuel Perry, b. 26 Nov 1796 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 12 Feb 1878 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Moses Perry & Hannah Hall (2nd wife).  He married Mary Harrington on December 8, 1823 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Safford Goodwin Perry, (New York) (1899)

Seth Perry, b. Abt. 1788 in Middleboro, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, d. 1823 in East Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, son of Joseph Perry & Susannah Tupper.  He married Ruba Unknown.

Thomas Sargeant Perry, b. 23 Jan 1845 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, d. 7 May 1928 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, son of Christopher Grant Perry & Frances Muriel Sargeant.  He married Lydia Jackson Cabot on April 9, 1874 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.  (Descendant of Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry, U. S. N., & Benjamin Franklin)

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William Fredrick Perry, b. 9 Dec 1809 in Easton, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 17 Oct 1873 in Mansfield, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of James Perry & Adah Sheperson.  He married Emeline Blunt Davis on December 22, 1839.

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