Photo Gallery for the surname "Phillips"

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Phillips Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Phillips".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Albert William Phillips, (Connecticut) (1898)

Alice Phillips, wife of A. J. Baggett (1897)

Andrew Wheeler Phillips

Asa Phillips, b. 12 Jan 1794 in Ashford, Windham County, Connecticut, d. 2 Nov 1865 in Fulton, Oswego County, New York, son of Asa Phillips & Anna Works.  He married Polly Barnes in January, 1815.  (Ancestry - English)

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Charles A. Phillips, (Ingham or Livingston Co. Michigan) (1891)

Charles Sheldon Phillips, (New York) (1899)

David Lewis Phillips, (1910)

Erastus B. Phillips, d. 1887 (Central New York) (1903)

Ezra Phillips, b. 6 Aug 1852 in Pickaway County, Ohio, d. 9 Dec 1932 in Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska, son of John Milton Phillips & Sarah Reed.  He married Louisa O. Cooper on January 25, 1877 in Tazewell County, Illinois.

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Hannah Phillips, b. 31 Jul 1754 in Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut, d. 12 May 1834 in Scituate, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, daughter of George L. Phillips & Esther Hamlin (2nd wife).  She married William Cushing on October 11, 1774 in Middletown, Middlesex County, Connecticut.

Helena M. Phillips, b. May 1876 in West Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, daughter of Lester Phillips & Henrietta Cassady.  She married Charles Evan Evans on February 25, 1904 in Chicopee, Hampden County, Massachusetts.

Henry Moses Phillips, b. 11 Aug 1845 in Athol, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 2 Mar 1911 in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, son of Alonzo D. Phillips & Mary Ann Robinson.  He married Julia Bowles Alexander on December 29, 1874 in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts.

Horace Phillips

Ivers Phillips, b. 28 Jul 1805 in Ashburnham, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 10 Jun 1900 in Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado, son of Samuel Phillips & Sally Thurston.  He married Rebecca Carter (1st wife).  He married Abigail Richardson (2nd wife) on January 19, 1869 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Jacob L. Phillips, (New York) (1899)

Julia Emma Phillips, b. 5 Jun 1845 in Jellasore, India, d. 1931 in Dickinson County, Michigan, daughter of Jeremiah Phillips & Hannah Cummings.  She married Thomas Wesley Burkholder on November 18, 1879 in Bengal, India.

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Lewis John Phillips, (New York) (1899)

Milton Cushing Phillips, b. 26 Jul 1856 in Royalton, Waupaca County, Wisconsin, d. 2 Jul 1916 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, son of Bradford E. Phillips & Marion Eliza Hulse.  He married Marcia H. Eastman on June 14, 1879 in Royalton, Waupaca County, Wisconsin.

Mahlon Dickerson Phillips, (Rochester, New York) (1902)

Marion Foster Phillips, wife of George Hadsall Fearons

Mary Alice Phillips, b. 1840 in Soccapatoy, Coosa County, Alabama, d. 13 Apr 1922 in Georgia, daughter of James Dowd Phillips & Sarah McNeill.  She married Andrew Jackson Baggett on September 3, 1868 in Loachapoka, Lee County, Alabama.

Mary Ann Phillips, wife of William Gray Brooks

Mary E. Phillips, 2nd wife of Horace O. Bigelow, (Isabella Co., Michigan) (1884)

Morris Fitch Phillips, (Rochester, New York) (1902)

Morris Phillips, b. 9 May 1834 in London, England, d. 30 Aug 1904 in Huntington, Suffolk County, New York, son of Phillip Phillips & Rosetta Unknown.  He married Elizabeth Rode on July 5, 1865.

Ner H. Phillips, (Delaware Co., Indiana) (1894)

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Parmer R. Phillips, (Gratiot Co., Michigan, 1884)

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Robert Elmer Phillips, b. 1838 in Taylor County, West Virgina, d. 19 Dec 1891 in Palermo, Butte County, California, son of John Keener Phillips & Lydia Dillon.  He married Mary Ruth Glidden on February 19, 1861 in Vinton County, Ohio.

Rolla Oliver Phillips, b. 29 Apr 1841 in Jefferson, Greene County, Pennsylvania, d. 9 Jan 1899 in San Francisco, San Franciso County, California, son of Eli Phillips & Jemima Oliver.  He married Mary Jane Gudgell in 1872 in Bureau County, Illinois.

S. Phillips, (Andover, Mass.) (1859)

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Watson Lyman Phillips, (Connecticut) (1898)

William Phillips, b. 1750, d. 1827

William Phillips, b. 29 May 1855 in Fairfield County, Ohio, d. 17 Oct 1905 in Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska, son of John Milton Phillips & Sarah Reed.  He married Mary Ellen Stumbaugh in 1877.

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