Photo Gallery for the surname "Potter"

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Potter Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Potter".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Allen Potter, b. 2 Oct 1818 in Galloway (now Galway), Saratoga County, New York, d. 8 May 1885 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo County, Michigan, son of Elisha Potter & Maria Allen.  He married Charity Purdy Letts on September 13, 1845 in Lockport, Niagara County, New York.

Asa N. Potter, (Tioga County, New York) (1900)

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Chandler Eastman Potter, (New Hampshire) (1882)

Charles Franklin Potter, b. 25 Sept. 1861 in Watervliet, Albany County, New York, d. 13 Dec 1949 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, son of Oscar F. Potter & Condorsia Antoinette Bucklin.  He married Clara E. Smith (1st wife) on December 23, 1891, in Mount Vernon, Linn County, Iowa.  He married Carrie B. Farman (2nd wife) on September 6, 1918 in Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana.

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E. A. Potter

Edward Clarkson Potter, b. 11 Aug 1862 in New York City, New York, son of Edward Tuckerman Potter & Julia Maria Blatchford.  He married Emily Blanche Havemeyer on January 15, 1885 at Villa d'Anglade, Pau, France.

Edward E. Potter

Emily de Loosey Potter, b. Jan 1889 in Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, daughter of Edward Clarkson Potter & Emily Blanche Havemeyer.  She married Charles Frederick Havemeyer Jackson on September 21, 1911 in Bronx, New York County, New York.

Ezra B. Potter, b. 1 Oct 1848 in Benton Centre, Yates County, New York, d. 24 Jun 1921 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, son of Ezra B. Potter & Rebecca Unknown.  He married Marion Craig in 1893 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York.

Frank E. Potter, (Central New York) (1903)

Frank M. Potter, (Central New York) (1903)

Frederick Potter, (1899) (New York)

George White Potter, (1868) (Yale)

Henry Codman Potter, b. 25 May 1825 in Schenectady, Schenectady County, New York, son of Alonzo Potter &.  He married Eliza Rodgers Jacobs (1st wife) in October 1857.  He married Alfred Corning (2nd wife) on October 4, 1902 in Cooperstown, Otsego County, New York.

Henry Root Potter, b. 13 Oct 1861 in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, d. 13 May 1931 in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, son of James G. Potter & Elisa Root.  He married Clementine Boem Russell on May 13, 1886 in Fond du Lac, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin.

Hezekiah Potter, b. Jul 1834 in Pawtucket, Providence County, Rhode Island, d. 15 Apr 1894 in Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, son of Christy Potter & Lucy Smith.  He married Abby Harris Thornton on April 30, 1855 in Providence, Providence County, Massachusetts.

Isaac Bucklin Potter, b. 18 Mar 1852 in West Troy, Watervliet, Albany County, New York, d. 18 Aug 1940 in Alameda County, California, son of Oscar Fitzallen Potter & Condorsia Antoinette Bucklin.  He married Cornelia Maria Gilbert on December 30, 1896 in Southington, Hartford County, Connecticut.

James Erasmus Potter, b. Aug 1848 in Kentucky, d. 16 Mar 1912 in Chattanooga, Hamilton County, Tennessee, son of Pleasant J. Potter & Julia Frances Hill.  He married Mary L. Reynolds on October 14, 1874 in Lexington, Fayette County, Kentucky.

James Tracy Potter, (1899)

Jerome Whitfield Potter, b. 6 Nov 1851 in Kentucky, d. 16 Jul 1923 in Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, son of David Potter & Deborah Hagerman.  He married Blanche Grace Jamison on January 12, 1881 in Davidson County, Tennessee.

Job Densmore Potter, b. 14 Jan 1834 in Taylor, Cortland County, New York, d. 2 Nov 1897 in Delphi Falls, Pompey, Onondaga County, New York, son of Paris Potter & Nancy Jones.  He married Hattie E. Thompson in 1866.

John Ephraim Potter, b. 9 Jan 1801 in Oneida County, New York, d. 21 Mar 1880 in Orwell, Oswego County, New York, son of Ephraim Potter & Elizabeth Parker.  He married Jane Davis in 1820 in Oneida County, New York.

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Orlando Bronson Potter, b. 10 Mar 1823 in Charlemont, Franklin County, Massachusetts, son of Samuel Potter & Sophia Rice.  He married Martha G. Wiley (1st wife) in 1850.  He married Mary Kate Linsly (2nd wife).

Orrin W. Potter, (Illinois) (1892)

Paul M. Potter, (1899) (New York)

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Thomas Potter, b. 17 Aug 1819 in County Tyrone, Ireland, d. 29 Sept. 1878 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, son of George Potter & Unknown.

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Warren Bailey Potter, (Massachusetts) (1890)

William E. Potter, (1901)

William Franklin Potter, (1901)

William J. Potter, b. 27 Jun 1860 in Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, d. 27 Apr 1952 in Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky, son of Pleasant J. Potter & Julia Frances Hill.  He married Martha Allan Woods on June 14, 1894 in Bowling Green, Warren County, Kentucky.

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