Photo Gallery for the surname "Pratt"

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Pratt Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Pratt".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Albert Henry Pratt, b. 3 Sept. 1861 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, d. 25 Jan 1941 in Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of Calvin Edward Pratt & Susan Taber Ruggles.

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Calvin Edward Pratt, b. 23 Jan 1828 in Princeton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 3 Aug 1896 in Rochester, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, son of Edward Ayres Pratt & Mariana Stratton.  He married Susan Taber Ruggles on November 8, 1860 in Rochester, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

Charles Blake Pratt, b. 14 Feb 1824 in Lancaster, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 9 May 1898 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Jesse Pratt & Mary Maynard.  He married Lucy Ann Brewer.

Charles Henry Pratt, (Amherst College) (1883)

Charles Millard Pratt, b. 2 Nov 1855 in Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, d. 1935 in New York, son of Charles Pratt & Lydia Ann Richardson.  He married Mary Seymour Morris on May 8, 1884.

Charles Pratt, b. 2 Oct 1830 in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, d. 4 May 1891 in New York City, New York, son of Asa Pratt & Eliza Stone. He married Lydia Ann Richardson on December 5,1854 in Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.

Charles Reed Pratt, b. 9 Feb 1879 in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, d. 16 Jul 1913 in Bridgeport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, son of Charles Pratt & Harriet E. Reed.

Clarence S. Pratt, b. Nov 1856 in Fort Madison, Lee County, Iowa, d. 9 May 1932 in Snohomish, Snohomish County, Washington, son of William Pratt & Harriet Nash.  He married Marion Colburn on January 21, 1882 in Webster City, Hamilton County, Iowa.

Dallas Bache Pratt, b. 4 Feb 1849 in New York City, New York, d. 9 Oct 1929 in New York City, New York, son of Horace L. Edgar Pratt & Sarah Katherine Martin. (Descended from Rev. William Pratt, rector of Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England)

Daniel Pratt, b. 22 Aug 1806 in Greenwich, Washington County, New York, d. 23 Jul 1884 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son of William Cobb Pratt & Sarah Morey.  He married Sarah Maria Rowe on July 5, 1838 in Camillus, Onondaga County, New York.

Edwin Hartley Pratt, b. 6 Nob 1849 in Towanda, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, d. 6 Mar 1930 in Galva Township, Henry County, Illinois, son of Leonard Pratt & Betsey Belding.  He married Isa M. Bailey (1st wife) on June 26, 1877 in .  He Married Charlotte Eva Kelly (2nd wife) on February 26, 1900 in Galva Township, Henry County, Illinois.

Enoch Pratt, b. 10 Sept. 1808 in North Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, d. 17 Sept. 1896 in Baltimore, Maryland, son of Isaac Pratt & Naomi Keith.  He married Maria Louisa Hyde on August 1, 1837 in Baltimore, Maryland.

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George Greenleaf Pratt, b. 6 May 1842 in Brewster, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, d. 3 May 1890 in Belmont, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, son of Enoch Pratt & Lucy Jenkins.  He married Lucretia Berry Moulton on September 11, 1880 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.

George Watson Pratt, b. 18 Apr 1830 in Prattsville, Greene County, New York, d. 11 Sept. 1862 in Albany, Albany County, New York, son of Zadock Pratt, Jr.& Abigail P. Watson (3rd wife).

Gertrude Clifford Pratt, wife of James Demarest Eaton (1922)

Halvatus Harry Pratt, b. Jun 1848 in Mooers, Clinton County, New York, d. after 1910, son of Emerson Pratt & Lucinda Eaton. He married Jenny Hill in 1888.  His last residence was Fremont, Dodge County, Nebraska in 1910.

Harrison W. Pratt, b. 1830 in Mansfield, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 25 Sept. 1864 of wounds from the Battle of Cedar Creek, Frederick County, Virginia, son of Harrison Billings Pratt & Stella Bates.  He married Mary Davis Moore on June 14, 1856 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Harvey Hunter Pratt, b. 24 Feb 1860 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, d. 1926 in Massachusetts, son of Henry Jones Pratt & Maria Jane Hunter.

Henry Otis Pratt, b. 11 Feb 1838 in Foxcroft, Piscataquis County, Maine, d. 22 May 1931 in Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa, son of Seth Corbett Pratt & Mary Herring.  He married Mahala C. Woodward on October 21, 865 in Floyd County, Iowa.

Henry Salem Pratt, b. 18 Nov 1836 in Brookfield, Massachusetts, d. 16 Jun 1913 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Salem Pratt & Sally Hobbs.  He married Melora Fletcher on December 24, 1857 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Isaac Pratt, b. 6 Mar 1776 in Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, d. 3 Dec 1864 in Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, son of William Pratt & Mary King.  He married Naomi Keith on May 19, 1804 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

Jabez Pratt, b. 20 Nov 1789 in Charlton, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 28 Nov 1874 in Greene, Androscoggin County, Maine, son of Benjamin Pratt & Sarah Mower.  He married Sophia Washburn on June 5, 1813 in Greene, Androscoggin County, Maine.

James Hyde Pratt, b. 18 Nov 1816 in East Bloomfield, Ontario County, New York, d. 28 Sept. 1901 in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii, son of Harry Pratt & Susan Cleveland.  He married Sophia Hale Boyd on September 26, 1859 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut.

Jared Pratt, b. 27 Jul 1792 in Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, d. 4 Jul 1864 in Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, son of Josiah Pratt & Bethiah Keith.  He married Jemima Williams King on December 4, 1817 in Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

John Pratt, (1897)

John W. Pratt, b. 4 Aug 1818 in Manlius, Onondaga County, New York, d. 11 May 1903 in Fulton Oswego County, New York, son of Timothy Pratt & Hannah Raynor. He married Harriet Emeline Slauson on March 3, 1847 in Cold Water, Oswego County, New York.

Joseph Pratt, (Worcester, Massachusetts) (1870)

Julius Howard Pratt, b. 20 Aug 1860 in Montclair, Essex County, New Jersey, d. 1927 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, son of Julius Howard Pratt & Adaline Forbes Barnes.  He married Annie Barclay on December 27, 1892 in Washington, District of Columbia.

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Pascal Paoli Pratt, b. 15 Sept. 1819 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York, d. 18 June 1905 in Buffalo, Erie County, New York, son of Samuel Pratt, Jr. & Sophia Fletcher.  He married Phoebe Lorenz on September 1, 1845 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

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Richard Henry Pratt, b. 6 Dec 1840 in Rushford, Allegany County, New York, d. 15 Mar 1924 at the Letterman Army Hospital, Presidio of San Francisco, San Francisco, County, California, son of Richard Pratt & Mary Herrick.  He married Anna Laura Mason on April 12, 1864 in Carroll County, Indiana.

Ruth Pratt, b. 29 Aug 1779 in New Ipswich, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, d. 22 Mar 1869 in Windham, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, daughter of Edward Pratt & Ruth Pool.  She married Samuel Harris on April 17, 1798 in Ashburnham, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Samuel Austin Pratt, Jr., b. 16 Jan 1822 in Shrewsbury, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 28 Oct 1906 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Samuel Austin Pratt & Harriet Cornish.  He married Elizabeth Lucy Whitney on December 24, 1848 in Stafford, Tolland County, Connecticut.

Seymour Pratt, b. 1799 in Manlius, Onondaga County, New York, d. 27 Feb 1884 in Fayetteville, Onondaga County, New York, son of Caleb Pratt & Lolly Lewis. He married Nancy Sterling in 1828 in Fayetteville, Onondaga County, New York.

Sumner Pratt, b. 30 Sept. 1809 in Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 6 Jan 1887 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts son of Elias Pratt, Jr. & Sally Conant.  He married Serena Chase (1st wife) on May 19, 1836 in Sutton, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  He married Abby Curtis Read (2nd wife) on August 5, 1850 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

Thomas George Pratt, b. 18 Feb 1804 in Georgetown, Washington, District of Columbia, d. 9 Nov 1869 in Baltimore, Maryland, son of John Wilkes Pratt & Rachel Belt.  He married Adeline MacKubin Kent on September 1, 1835 in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.

Timothy Pratt, b. 1790 in Vermont, son of Caleb Pratt & Lolly Lewis. He married Hannah Raynorin in 1814 in Manlius, Onondaga County, New York.

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William Pratt, (New Hampshire) (1908)

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Zadock Pratt, Jr., b. 30 Oct 1790 in Stephentown, Rensselaer County, New York, d. 5 Apr 1871 in Bergenfield, Bergen County, New Jersey, son of Zadock Pratt & Hannah Pickett.  He married Beda Dickerman (1st wife) on October 6, 1817.  He married Esther Dickerman (2nd wife) on October 2, 1821.  He married Abigail P. Watson (3rd wife) on October 12, 1827 in New York.  He married Mary E. Watson (4th wife) on March 16, 1835.

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