Photo Gallery for the surname "Prentiss"

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Prentiss Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Prentiss".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

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George Foster Prentiss, b. 20 Sept. 1858 in Windham, Windham County, Vermont, d. 3 Nov 1916 in Northampton, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, son of Asahel Omer Prentiss & Hannah Silsby Johnson.  He married Sarah A. Gilbert on June 28, 1887 in Derby, New Haven County, Connecticut.  (Descendant of Henry Prentiss (or Prentice), who came to Cambridge, Massachusetts, from England, before 1640.)

George Lewis Prentiss, b. 12 May 1816 in Gorham, Cumberland County, Maine, d. 18 Mar 1903 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of William Prentiss & Abigail Lewis.  He married Elizabeth Payson on April 16, 1845 in Portland, Cumberland County, Maine.

Henry Prentiss, b. 18 Jul 1802 in Hubbardston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 2 Nov 1872 in Hubbardston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Henry Prentiss & Elizabeth Gill.  He married Adeline Wright on November 12, 1829 in Hubbardston, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  (Descendant of Valentine Prentiss, who came to America with John Elliott, the apostle, who settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts, in 1631.)

Henry Prentiss, b. 25 Sept. 1846 in Hubbardston, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 14 Aug 1943 in Rutherford, Bergen County, New Jersey, son of Henry Prentiss & Adeline Wright.  He married Anna Elizabeth Jeffery on June 9, 1870.  (Descendant of Valentine Prentiss, who came to America with John Elliott, the apostle, who settled in Roxbury, Massachusetts, in 1631.)

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William Augustus Prentiss, b. 24 Mar 1800 in Northfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, d. 10 Nov 1892 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, son of Samuel Prentiss & Lucretia Holmes.  He married Eliza Sands on September 11, 1833 in Saco, York County, Maine.  (Descendant of Capt. Thomas Prentiss (or Prentice), who was born in England and settled in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1632)

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