Photo Gallery for the surname "Prouty"

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Prouty Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Prouty".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

A (None at this Time)
B (None at this Time)
Charles Newton Prouty, b. 6 Oct 1842 in Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 18 Jan 1916 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Isaac Prouty & Mary Ann Newton (2nd wife).  He married Jennie Richardson on May 25, 1864 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  (Descendant (5th Generation) of Richard Prouty, who was living in Scituate, Massachusetts, in 1667)

David Prouty, b. 18 Oct 1813 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 13 Sept. 1892 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of David Prouty & Abigail Bisco.  He married Caroline Guilford (1st wife) on January 14, 1840 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  He married Sarah B. Guilford (2nd wife) on December 16, 1867 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  (Descendant (4th Generation) of Richard Prouty, who was living in Scituate, Massachusetts, in 1667)

E (None at this Time)
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George P. Prouty, b. 12 Sept. 1831 in Rutland, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 1 May 1898 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Isaac Prouty & Mary A. Goodell (1st wife).  He married Mary L. Bemis on November 22, 1859 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  (Descendant (6th Generation) of Richard Prouty, who was living in Scituate, Massachusetts, in 1667)

H (None at this Time)
Ira Joslin Prouty, b. 15 Aug 1857 in Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence County, New York, d. 31 Jul 1932 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, son of Ira French Prouty & Elsie Joslin.  He married Marietta Humphrey (1st wife) on July 19, 1882 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.  He married Elizabeth Frances Howe (2nd wife) in June 23, 1896 in Dublin, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.  He married Emma Sterling Sanford (3rd wife) on June 28, 1898 in Malden, Middlesex County, Massachusetts.  He married Bertha Iola Jones (4th wife) on February 7, 1905 in Keene, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.  He married Blanche Ellen Fenwick (5th wife) on March 1, 1911 in Berwick, Kings County, New Brunswick.

John Goodell Prouty, b. 10 Feb 1865 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 26 Sept. 1923 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of George P. Prouty & Mary L. Bemis.  He married Ida M. Howe on September 18, 1894 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  (Descendant (7th Generation) of Richard Prouty, who was living in Scituate, Massachusetts, in 1667)

K (None at this Time)
Lewis Wilder Prouty, b. 24 Jan 1829 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 31 Jan 1872 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Isaac Prouty & Mary A. Goodell (1st wife).  He married Mary Barnum Vickery on February 12, 1862 in Spencer, Worcester County, Massachusetts.  (Descendant (5th Generation) of Richard Prouty, who was living in Scituate, Massachusetts, in 1667)

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