Photo Gallery for the surname "Snow"

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Snow Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Snow".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Albion Parris Snow, b. 14 Mar 1826 in Brunswick, Cumberland County, Maine, d. 25 Oct 1898 in Winthrop, Kennebec County, Maine, son of Abiezer Snow & Sally Purington.  He married Matilda B. Sewall on May 25, 1852 in Winthrop, Kennebec County, Maine.

Alpheus Henry Snow, b. 8 Nov 1859 in Claremont, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, d. 19 Aug 1920 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Alpheus Franklin Snow & Sarah Mann Dean.  He married Margaret Maynard Butler on June 29, 1887 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana.

Benjamin Bradford Snow, b. 4 Jan 1830 in Orleans, Barnstable County, Massachusetts, d. 1 Apr 1920 in Auburn, Cayuga County, New York, son of Simpkins Snow & Nancy Medora Shirley.  He married Ann Elizabeth Robinson on November 25, 1856 in Auburn, Cayuga County, New York.

Charles Armstrong Snow, b. 23 Sept. 1862 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, d. 1 Sept. 1920 in Nantucket, Nantucket County, Massachusetts, son of Franklin Snow & Ann Elizabeth Arnstrong.  He married Fannie Devens Sherburne on January 28, 1899 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania.  (Descendant of Nicholas Snow, who came to America on the ship "Anne" in 1623)

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Edwin Snow, b. 15 Oct 1836 in Eaton, Carroll County, New Hampshire, d. 15 Feb 1907 in Eaton, Carroll County, New Hampshire, son of Joseph Snow & Sally Atkinson (2nd wife).  He married Helen Maria Perkins on October 14, 1857 in Eaton, Carroll County, New Hampshire.

Elbridge Gerry Snow, b. 22 Jan 1841 in Barkhamstead, Litchfield County, Connecticut, d. 7 Nov 1925 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Elbridge Gerry Snow & Eunice Woodruff.  He married Frances Janet Thompson (1st wife) on September 5, 1865 in Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut.  He married Famy Joyce (2nd wife) on November 26, 1921 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

Frederic Elkanah Snow, b. 10 Mar 1851 in Waterbury, New Haven County, Connecticut, d. 1928 in Guilford, New Haven County, Connecticut, son of Elbridge Gerry Snow & Eunice Woodruff.  He married Emily Virginia Whittlesey on November 17, 1880 in Oxford, New Haven County, Connecticut.

Frederick Snow, b. 21 Mar 1820 in Becket, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, d. 11 May 1900 in Becket, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, son of Timothy Snow & Ruth Wadsworth.

George Walter Snow, b. 30 Sept. 1808 in Rochester, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, d. 7 May 1867 in Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, son of Jonathan Snow & Hannah Burgess.  He married Jane Strobridge Hines on August 23, 1832 in Middleborough, Plymouth County, Massachusetts.

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Joseph Snow, b. 21 Mar 1791 in Gorham, Cumberland County, Maine, d. 29 Sept. 1876 in Eaton, Carroll County, New Hampshire, son of Gideon Snow & Joanna Edwards.  He married Hannah Flood (1st wife) on November 12, 1814 in Gorham, Cumberland County, Maine.  He married Sally Atkinson (2nd wife) on December 12, 1816 in Eaton, Carroll County, New Hampshire.

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Leslie Perkins Snow, b. 16 Oct 1862 in Eaton, Carroll County, New Hampshire, d. 16 Mar 1934 in Rochester, Strafford County, New Hampshire, son of Edwin Snow & Helen Maria Perkins.  He married Susan E. Currier (1st wife) on November 28, 1888 in Haverhill, Grafton County, New Hampshire.  He married Norma Cutter Currier (2nd wife) on June 27, 1894 in Haverhill, Grafton County, New Hampshire.

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Rue Thomas Snow, b. 11 Jul 1879 in Bridgewater, Aroostook County, Maine, d. 22 Sept. 1929 in Westfield, Aroostook County, Maine, son of Cyrus Snow & Lydia Elliott.  He married Lou V. Pierce on January 11, 1902 in Blaine, Aroostook County, Maine.

Sargent Francis Snow, b. 6 Jan 1861 in Reading, Schuyler County, New York, d. 9 Dec 1923 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son of Lyman P. Snow & Elizabeth Unknown.  He married Mary A. Unknown in 1889.

Theodore Wilbur Snow, b. 5 Aug 1858 in Madisonville, Hopkins County, Kentucky, d. 20 Apr 1924 in Batavia, Kane County, Illinois, son of Oren Theodore Snow & Angeline Talmadge.  He married Sarah Goss Sperry on December 31, 1887 in Batavia, Kane County, Illinois.

Thomas Snow, b. 1828 in Marblehead, Essex County, Massachusetts, d. 18 Apr 1880 in Marblehead, Essex County, Massachusetts, son of Thomas Snow & Mary Cross.

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