Photo Gallery for the surname "Stearns"

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Stearns Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Stearns".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Abigail Mary Stearns, wife of Seneca Cummings

Albert Stearns

Albert T. Stearns

Alice Stearns, wife of Moses Abbott

Arthur Adelbert Stearns

Betsy Stearns, wife of Solomon Mills

Charles Calvin Stearns

Charles Edgar Stearns

Charles Haynes Stearns, (1914) (Oakham, Mass.)

Clark Daniel Stearns

Daniel Ezra Stearns

Dwight Webster Stearns

E. H. Stearns

Edward Carl Stearns, (Central New York)

Eleanor Hartwell Stearns

Ephraim Stearns

Ezra Scollay Stearns

Frank Preston Stearns, (Boston) (1903)

Franklin Stearns

Franklin Stearns, b. 1848

Frederick Kimball Stearns

Frederick Stearns

George Chapin Stearns, (1901)

George Frederic Stearns, (1901)

George Munroe Stearns, (Massachusetts) (1892)

George Russell Stearns, (1901)

Helena Joslyn Stearns

Henry Putnam Stearns, (1898) (Yale)

I (None at this Time)
James Hart Stearns, (New York) (1899)

John Newton Stearns

John Noble Stearns, (New York) (1899)

John W. Stearns

John Walker Stearns

Joseph Barker Stearns

Joseph Sprague Stearns

Justus S. Stearns

K (None at this Time)
Lutie Eugenia Stearns

Lyman Marshall Stearns

Mae Fannie Stearns

Marcellus Lovejoy Stearns

Marcus C. Stearns

Marianne Stearns

N (None at this Time)
Oakman Sprague Stearns

Oliver Stearns

Onslow Stearns

Oscar A. Stearns, b. 4 Jun 1842 in Waitsfield, Washington County, Vermont, d. 18 Apr 1889 in Central City, Merrick County, Nebraska, son of Jehiel H. Stearns & Mary Louise Bragg.  He married Jeannette Lorena Parsons on November 1, 1866 in Connecticut.

Phineas Sewall Stearns

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Richard Hall Stearns, (Massachusetts) (1890)

Silas Stearns

Thomas Stearns

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V (None at this Time)
Washington Irving Stearns

William Augustus Stearns

William Duncan Stearns

William E. Stearns, b. 9 Aug 1841 in Waltham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, d. 22 Dec 1906 in Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, son of William Stearns & Elizabeth Richardson.  He married Marietta L. Moulton on June 11, 1867 in Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire.

William G. Stearns

William Gates Stearns

William Jones Stearns, b. 3 Sept. 1837 in Holden, Worcester County, Massachusetts, d. 21 Dec 1887 in Rutland, Worcester County, Massachusetts, son of Adolphus Stearns & Nancy Abbott.  He married Ellen "Nellie" Moore on November 14, 1858 in Uxbridge, Worcester County, Massachusetts.

William Stearns

Willis D. Stearns

Winfrid Alden Stearns

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Y (None at this Time)
Z (None at this Time)

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