Photo Gallery for the surname "Stewart"

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Stewart Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Stewart".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Abraham E. Stewart, b. Nov 1852 in Pennsylvania, d. after 1920 in Nickerson, Dodge County, Nebraska.  He married Mary E. Elder on March 12, 1879 in Sioux County, Iowa.

Alexander Stewart, b. 7 Dec 1805 in Comrie, Perthshire, Scotland, d. 19 Apr 1884 in Albion, Edwards County, Illinois, son of Alexander Stewart & Mary McLaughlin.  He married Sarah M. Miller (1st wife) on January 10, 1826 in White County, Illinois.  He married Emma A. Senseman (2nd wife) on April 23, 1856 in Illinois.

Alexander Stewart, b. 12 Sept. 1829 in Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick, Canada, d. 24 May 1912 in Washington, District of Columbia, son of Thomas Stewart & Jane Woods.  He married Margaret Stewart.

Alexander T. Stewart, b. 15 Sept. 1855 in New York City, New York, d. Jun 1921 in Pueblo, Pueblo County, Colorado, son of Archibald Stewart & Rose Donley.  He married Mary Ellen Morrissey in 1880.

Alexander Turney Stewart, b. 12 Oct 1803 in Lisburn, Ulster, Ireland, d. 10 Apr 1876 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Alexander Stewart & Margaret Turney.  He married Cornelia Mitchell Clinch on October 16, 1823.

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Daniel Stewart, b. 3 Feb 1824 in Greensburg, Decatur County, Indiana, d. 25 Feb 1892 in Indianapolis, Marion County, Indiana, son of Silas Stewart & Mary Hendricks.  He married Martha Ann Tarkington on May 18, 1858 in Greenburg, Decatur County, Indiana.

Duncan Stewart

Edwin Ruthven Stewart, b. 3 Dec 1829 in Clarke County, Ohio, d. 13 Mar 1917 in Mount Pleasant Township, Indiana, son of James Stewart & Matilda McBeth.  He married Margaret Jane Shepp on January 31, 1858 in Delaware County, Indiana.

Edwin Stewart, b. 5 May 1837 in New York City, New York, d. 28 Feb 1933, son of John Stewart & Mary Aikman.  He married Susan Maria Estabrook on May 16, 1876.

Eleanor N. Stewart, b. 6 Oct 1835 in New York, d. 17 Dec 1914 in Oklahoma.  She married Joseph Elijah Burkhart in 1857.

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George Black Stewart, b. 28 Feb 1854 in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, d. 1932, son of Alexander Adams Stewart & Louisa Susannah Black.  He married Mary Adaline Thompson (1st wife) on June 18, 1879 in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio.  He married Ella La Rue Hart (2nd wife) on December 7, 1914 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

George Stewart, b. 11 Dec 1832 in Doune, Kilmadock, Perth, Scotland, son of David Stewart & Marion Kay.  He married Harriet Weeks on May 14, 1857 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

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James Stewart

James Stewart, b. 13 Nov 1825 in Port of Monteith, Perth, Scotland, d. 17 Sept. 1911 in Yonkers, Westchester County, New York, son of David Stewart & Marion Kay.  He married Mary Elizabeth Porter.

John Aikman Stewart, b. 26 Aug 1822 in New York City, New York, d. 17 Dec 1926 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of John Stewart & Mary Aikman.  He married Sarah Youle Johnson (1st wife) on May 21, 1845 in New York City, New York.  He married Mary Capron (2nd wife) on November 25, 1890 in the Mt. Vernon Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland.

John Conant Stewart, (Maine) (1893)

John Stewart, b. 11 Jun 1847 in Ireland, d. 1 Jan 1908 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Peter Stewart & Elizabeth Montgomery.  He married Elizabeth J. Unknown in 1875.

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Lispenard Stewart, b. 19 Jun 1855 in Brookwood, Mount St. Vincent, on the Hudson, Westchester County, New York, d. 15 Oct 1927 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Lispenard Stewart & Mary Rogers Rhinelander.

Malcolm Neil McLaren Stewart, (December 1901)

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Robert Stewart, (1900)

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Thomas A. Stewart, b. 1822, d. 1899

Thomas Elliot Stewart, b. 22 Sept. 1824 in New York City, New York, d. 9 Jan 1904 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of James N. Stewart & Mary Elliot.  He married Harrietta Ellen Taylor on May 31, 1854.

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Victor Bell Stewart, (Oneida Co., New York) (1912)

W. F. Bay Stewart, (York Co., Pennsylvania) (1907)

W. H. Stewart, (Erie, New York) (1903)

William James Stewart, (Rochester, New York) (1902)

William Morris Stewart, (1892)

William Rhinelander Stewart, b. 3 Dec 1852 in New York City, New York, d. 5 Sept. 1929 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Lispenard Stewart & Mary Rogers Rhinelander.  He married Anne McKee Armstrong in 1879.

William Stewart, b. 1833 in Letterkenny, County Donegal, Ireland, d. in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.

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