Photo Gallery for the surname "Stillman"

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Stillman Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Stillman".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

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Charles Stillman, b. 22 May 1857 in Port Richmond, Staten Island, New York, d. 15 Nov 1933 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Charles Stillman & Elizabeth Pamela Goodrich.

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Ellicott Roger Stillman, b. 6 Mar 1844 in Rochester, Monroe County, New York, d. 13 Feb 1916 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, son of Edwin Amos Stillman & Jane Cochrane.  He married Mary J. Dickey (1st wife) on July 2, 1868 in Quincy, Branch County, Michigan.  He married Lillian Elizabeth Stevens (2nd wife) on March 4, 1874 in Washington County, Rhode Island.

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James Stillman, b. 9 Jun 1850 in Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas, d. 15 Mar 1918 in Manhattan, New York County, New York, son of Charles Stillman & Elizabeth Pamela Goodrich.  He married Sarah Elizabeth Rumrill.

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Mary Stillman, b. 24 Jun 1799 in Westmoreland, Oneida County, New York, d. 15 Aug 1883 in Rome, Oneida County, New York, daughter of Chester Stillman & Mary Unknown.  She married Elisha House (1st husband).  She married Phineas Abbe (2nd husband) on March 8, 1835 in Rome, Oneida County, New York.

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Ransom Leroy Stillman, b. 18 Aug 1851 in Chester, Geauga County, Ohio, d. 25 Nov 1901 in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, son of Riley Frederick Stillman & Esther Clark Cutler.  He married Ida Jane Murray (1st wife) on October 13, 1880 in Lake County, Ohio.  He married Addie Irene Cadwell (2nd wife) on April 27, 1896 in Hennepin County, Minnesota.

Samuel Stillman, b. 27 Feb 1737 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, d. 11 Mar 1807 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.  He married Hannah Morgan.

Thomas Edgar Stillman, b. 23 Mar 1837 in New York City, New York County, New York, d. 4 Sept. 1906 in Lisieux, France, son of Alfred Stillman & Elizabeth Ann Greenough.  He married Charlotte Elizabeth Greenman on January 10, 1865 in Norwich, New London County, Connecticut.

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