Photo Gallery for the surname "Pease"

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Pease Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Pease".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

Albert Irving Pease, b. Jan 1855 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York, d. 12 Nov 1857 in Davenport, Scott County, Iowa, son of Albert S. Pease & Sarah Elizabeth Denton.

Albert Sheldon Pease, b. 27 Sept. 1828 in Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, New York, d. 25 May 1914 in Baldwinsville, Onondaga County, New York, son of Dudley S. Pease & Sarah Killey.  He married Sarah Elizabeth Denton (1st wife) on June 25, 1851.  He married Sophie E. June (2nd wife) on June 30, 1897 in Baldwinsville, Onondaga County, New York.

Arthur Burr Pease, b. 25 Feb 1866 in Shoreham, Addison County, Vermont, d. 7 Apr 1911 in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, son of Lyman W. Pease & Marie Louise Brigham.

Austin Spencer Pease, b. 9 May 1820 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 15 Dec 1886 in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, son of Reuben Pease & Abi Gowdy.  He married Sarah W. Richardson on April 18, 1849.

Burleigh Pease, b. 13 Aug 1823 in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine, d. 10 Mar 1899 in Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine, son of Nathaniel Pease & Olive Towne.  He married Narcissa Pease on November 18, 1855 in Bangor, Penobscot County, Maine.

Calvin Pease, b. 9 Sept. 1776 in Suffield, Hartford County, Connecticut, 17 Sept. 1839 in Warren, Trumbull County, Ohio, son of Joseph Pease & Mindwell King.  He married Laura Grant Risley on June 22, 1804 in Suffield, Hartford Connecticut.

David Pease, b. 9 Nov 1783 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 30 Nov 1878 in Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts, son of David Pease & Jerusha Spencer.  He married Dorcas Ayers (1st wife) on 31 Dec 1812 in Granby, Hampshire County, Massachusetts.  He married Sarah "Sally" Taylor (2nd wife) on January 16, 1855 in Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts.

Edward Allen Pease, b. 10 Feb 1865 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 19 Jun 1940 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, son of Theodore D. Pease & Julia T. Allen.  He married Margaret Caldwell Mohler on January 8, 1904 in Manhattan, New York County, New York.

Franklin Pease, b. 27 Jun 1823 in Conway, Franklin County, Massachusetts, d. 6 Apr 1903 in Conway, Franklin County, Massachusetts, son of Asher (or Ashur) Pease & Elizabeth Chaffee.  He married Minerva Nims (1st wife) on November 5, 1850 in Ashfield, Franklin County, Massachusetts.  He married Sarah A. Leonard (2nd wife) on February 17, 1897 in Conway, Franklin County, Massachusetts.

Frederick Olin Pease, b. 17 Aug 1852 in Redwood, Stowe, Lamoille County, Vermont, d. 17 April 1933 in Gray Township, Pipestone County, Minnesota, son of Henry Ward Pease & Louisa L. Macomber.  He married Allie Jane Hankinson (1st wife) on September 27, 1878 in Rockford, Winnebago County, Illinois.  He married Clara C. Schmid (2nd wife) after 1910.   (The family originated in Wales)

Frederick Salmon Pease, b. 21 May 1804 in Canaan, Litchfield, Connecticut, d. 22 Mar 1867 in Albany, Albany County, New York, son of Salmon Pease & Matilda Huntington.  He married Julia Lawrence on September 18, 1832 in Canaan, Litchfield County, Connecticut.

George Washington Pease, b. 25 Oct 1838 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana, d. 20 Jul 1926 in Hampton, Franklin County, Iowa, son of James F. Pease & Laura A. Mallett.  He married Christiana Moorhead on January 11, 1882 in Hampton, Franklin County, Iowa.

H (None at this Time)
I (None at this Time)
John Chauncey Pease, b. 1 Jan 1782 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 30 Jan 1859 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, son of John Pease & Charity Thompson.  He married Naomi G. Niles.

John Fletcher Pease, b. 15 Dec 1829 in DeRuyter, Madison County, New York, d. 30 Apr 1909 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York.  He married Catharine F. Dimmock (1st wife).  He married Mary Elizabeth Chase (2nd wife).

Joseph Ives Pease, b. 9 Aug 1809 in Norfolk, Litchfield County, Connecticut, son of Earl Percy Pease & Mary Ives.  He married Mary Spencer on December 8, 1841.

K (None at this Time)
Leverett Erwin Pease, b. 14 Feb 1818 in Somers, Tolland County, Connecticut, d. 4 Apr 1883 in Somers, Tolland County, Connecticut, son of Emery Pease & Harriet Kibbe.  He married Julia P. Hyde on June 12, 1839 in Somers, Tolland County, Connecticut.

Lorinda Pease, b. 22 Nov 1820 in Genessee County, New York, d. 8 Jun 1885 in Sherwood, Branch County, Michigan, daughter of Pliny Gwin & Grace Unknown.  She married Jabin R. Gwin in 1838.

Lorrain Thompson Pease, b. 7 Apr 1788 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 28 Apr 1848 in Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, son of John Pease & Charity Thompson.  He married Sarah Marshall on May 28, 1809 in Poquonock, Hartford County, Connecticut.

Luke Hall Pease, b. 16 Nov 1826 in Somers, Tolland County, Connecticut, d. 25 Apr 1905 in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, son of Walter Pease & Louisa Spencer.  He married Louisa Hall (1st wife) on April 28, 1853 in Springfield, Hampden County, Connecticut.  He married Charlotte Phelps (2nd wife) on December 24, 1862 in Chicopee, Hampden County, Massachusetts.

Mary Eugenia Pease, b. 27 Dec 1811 in Massachsuetts, d. 17 Feb 1896 in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, daughter of James Pease & Olive Thompson.  She married Chandler B. Chapman on June 1, 1837.

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Phineas Pease, b. 16 Apr 1826 in Somers, Tolland County, Connecticut, d. 8 Oct 1893 in Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio, son of Abiel Pease & Ruby Cooley.  He married Elizabeth M. Edson on June 3, 1849.

Q (None at this Time)
Richard Luce Pease, b. 31 Aug 1814 in Edgartown, Dukes County, Massachusetts, d. 2 Sept. 1888 in Edgartown, Dukes County, Massachusetts, son of Isaiah Dunham Pease & Polly Luce.  He married Mary West Pease on January 17, 1836 in Edgartown, Dukes County, Massachusetts.

Roger Williams Pease, b. 31 Mar 1828 in Conway, Franklin County, Massachusetts, d. 28 May 1886 in Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York, son of David Pease & Dorcas Ayers (1st wife).  He married Hannah Cannings Fuller on January 26, 1858.

Simeon Pease, b. 29 May 1790 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 1866 in Trumansburgh, Tompkins County, New York, son of Simeon Pease & Mabel Allen.  He married Cynthia Markham on January 8, 1815 in Enfield, Hartford County, Connecticut.

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Walter Pease, b. 4 Jul 1795 in Somers, Tolland County, Connecticut, d. 8 Nov 1864 in Somers, Tolland County, Connecticut, son of Richard Pease & Sovier Parsons.  He married Louisa Spencer on January 26, 1826 in Somers, Tolland County, Connecticut.

William E. Pease, b. 9 Sept. 1855 in Springfield, Sangamon County, Illinois, d. 4 Oct 1923 in West Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, son of William Worth Pease & Mary Roberts.

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Zebulon Pease, b. 21 Sept. 1795 in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine, d. 23 Mar 1863 in Freedom, Carroll County, New Hampshire, son of Zebulon Pease & Unknown.  He married Mary Jane Pease on March 23, 1823 in New Hampshire.

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