Photo Gallery for the surname "Piper"

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Piper Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Piper".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

A (None at this Time)
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Caroline Piper, b. 12 Jun 1804 in Glastonbury, Hartford County, Connecticut, d. 12 Nov 1863 in Clayton, Genessee County, Michigan, daughter of Samuel Piper & Betsey Lucas (1st wife).  She married Caleb Calkins on February 22, 1825 in Vermont.

D (None at this Time)
Elisha Piper, b. 22 Jan 1796 in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine, d. 22 Mar 1877 in South Parsonsfield, York County, Maine, son of Benjamin Piper & Hannah Hodgdon.  He married Sally Foster.

Frederick A. Piper, b. 3 May 1851 in Muehlhausen, Waldeck, Germany, d. 9 Aug 1931 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, son of Frederick William Piper & Johanne Waldeck.  He married Minna Horner on November 26, 1874 in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas.

G (None at this Time)
Horace Piper, b. 30 Oct 1810 in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine, d. 15 Oct 1895 in Washington, District of Washington, son of Jonathan Piper & Mary "Polly" Burbank.  He married Josephine Bennett Lord on August 30, 1838.

I (None at this Time)
Jackson Piper, b. 9 Nov 1828 in Baltimore, Maryland, d. 11 Oct 1907 in Towson, Baltimore, Maryland, son of James Piper & Jane Evans.  He married Imogene Shoemaker in June, 1872.

Jonathan Piper, b. 30 Dec 1788 in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine, d. 11 Jul 1873 in Parsonsfield, York, Maine, son of Elisha Piper & Sarah Barker (1st wife).  He married Mary "Polly" Burbank on March 15, 1810 in Parsonsfield, York County, Maine.

Julia Piper, b. 20 Feb 1821 in Vermont, d. 29 Feb 1912 in Eaton Rapids, Eaton County, Michigan, daughter of Moses Piper & Anna Fassett.  She married Nelson Wood on September 17, 1843 in Eaton Rapids, Eaton County, Michigan.

K (None at this Time)
Lois Piper, b. 15 Dec 1818 in Hartland, Windsor County, Vermont, d. 18 Apr 1873 in Eaton County, Michigan, daughter of Moses Piper & Anna Fassett.  She married Benjamin Franklin Mills on February 5, 1844 in Eaton County, Michigan.

Loring Gilbert Piper, b. 19 Feb 1828 in Stewartstown, Coos County, New Hampshire, d. 4 Nov 1896 in Colebrook, Coos County, New Hampshire, son of Thomas Piper & Esther Beecher.  He married Phebe A. Tibbetts on May 10, 1863 in Stewartstown, Coos County, New Hampshire.

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Sebra Piper, b. 31 Jan 1826 in Hancock, Addison County, Vermont, d. 18 Feb 1884 in Eaton County, Michigan, daughter of Moses Piper & Anna Fassett.  She married Nelson McArthur on September 17, 1843 in Eaton County, Michigan.

Sherburne Blake Piper, b. 30 May 1807 in Northwood, Rockingham County, New Hampshire, d. 1885 in Lewiston, Niagara County, New York, son of Jonathan Piper & Sarah Harvey.  He married Ann Eliza Goodwin on November 5, 1835 in Lewiston, Niagara County, New York.

Thomas Warren Piper, b. 1843 in Hopkinton, Merrimack County, New Hampshire, d. 19 Aug 1864 near Petersburg, Virginia, son of Thomas C. Piper & Louisa Bennett Eaton.

U (None at this Time)
V (None at this Time)
William Henry Harrison Piper, b. 26 Sept. 1840 in Meredith, Belknap County, New Hampshire, d. 19 Jun 1912 in Laconia, Belknap County, son of Alfred Piper & Nancy Cumming.  He married Annie M. Jackson on May 5, 1866 in Laconia, Belknap County, New Hampshire.

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