Photo Gallery for the surname "Slade"

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Slade Photo Gallery Index

Historical ancestor photograph index of portraits for people who share the surname "Slade".

If available, information includes name of person, birth date, birth place, death date, death place, name of parent, name of spouse (if more than one spouse, the term 1st wife, 2nd wife, etc. is used after each name), date of marriage, and place of marriage.

*(Information provided comes from either primary or secondary sources)

**(Names with links provide additoinal information such as signatures, physical descriptions, and or colorized versions of the portraits)

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Daniel Denison Slade, b. 10 May 1823 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, d. 11 Feb 1896 in Chestnut Hill, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, son of Jacob Slade & Elizabeth Rogers.  He married Mina L. Hensler on May 27, 1856 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.

David Foster Slade, b. 5 Nov 1855 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 28 Jun 1914 in Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of Jonathan Slade & Emeline Hooper (2nd wife).  He married Annie M. Durfee on October 25, 1883 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts.

Enoch Slade, b. 12 Apr 1787 in Alstead, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, d. 28 Jul 1866 in Thetford, Orange County, Vermont, son of Samuel Slade & Hannah Thompson.  He married Hannah Davis (1st wife) on November 17, 1808 in Alstead, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.  He married Penelope Wellington (2nd wife) on February 21, 1816 in Alstead, Cheshire County, New Hampshire.  He married Mary Town (3rd wife) on July 25, 1840 in Thetford, Orange County, Vermont.

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Hannah A. Slade, b. 19 Aug 1828 in Brookfield, Orange County, Vermont, d. 25 Jun 1915 in Manchester, Bennington County, New Hampshire, daughter of Enoch Slade & Penelope Wellington (2nd wife).  She married Moody Currier on November 16, 1869 in Boston, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.

Horace Thompson Slade, b. 10 Aug 1809 in Alstead, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, d. 29 Aug 1894 in Saginaw, Saginaw County, Michigan, son of Samuel Slade & Hannah Thompson.  He married Achsah Willey (1st wife) on January 26, 1832 in Rockingham, Windham County, Vermont.  He married Arrilla T. Holbrook (2nd wife) on November 9, 1845.

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John Palmer Slade, b. 13 Nov 1824 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 12 Jun 1902 in Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of John Slade & Mary Slade.  He married Sarah L. Lewin (1st wife) on January 7, 1849 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts.  He married Ruth Ann Gardner (2nd wife) on April 14, 1851 in Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts.  He married Lois A. Buffinton (3rd wife) on January 28, 1858 in Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts.

Jonathan Slade, b. 23 Sept. 1815 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 11 Dec 1900 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of William Slade & Phebe Lawton.  He married Caroline Brayton Winslow on June 18, 1841 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts.  He married Emeline Hooper (2nd wife) on May 29, 1851 in Fall River, Bristol County, Massachusetts.

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Lewis Cass Slade, b. 5 Jan 1854 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, d. 18 Jun 1925 in Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California, son of Horace Thompson Slade & Arrilla T. Holbrook (2nd wife).  He married Joanna Roberts on June 17, 1885 in Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan.

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William Lawton Slade, b. 6 Sept. 1817 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts, d. 29 Jul 1895 in Somerset, Bristol County, Massachusetts, son of William Slade & Phebe Lawton.  He married Mary Sherman on October 5, 1842.

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